2024 Research Studies
The studies shared here have been submitted to NDSS by the researchers and have been reviewed for listing and suggested as information that may be of interest to caregivers and those with Down syndrome by members of our Scientific and Clinical Advisory Board. The SciCAB does not review or approve the study. That is documented by the Institutional Review Board of the relevant institution. NDSS does not endorse any study. Apply to have your study shared by clicking the box below.

Project Wellcast: Supporting Wellbeing of Caregivers Via Telehealth
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What is Project WellCAST?
Project WellCAST is a NIH-funded clinical trial that aims to support caregiver well-being through supportive therapy, resources, and family friendly treatment. This research study will include up to 1,000 caregivers of children with a variety of neurogenetic syndromes associated with intellectual disability, including (but not limited to) Angelman syndrome, Down syndrome, Dup15q syndrome, fragile X syndrome, Prader Willi syndrome, and Williams syndromes.
Our goal is to understand which supports and therapies are best suited to the needs of rare disorder caregivers. To accomplish this goal, participants will be assigned to receive a resource or evidence-based therapy that is commonly used in clinical settings. Supports formats vary and may include self-guided resources, peer coaching, individual therapies, or group therapies. The focus of support also differs; some programs focus on your well-being as a caregiver, and others focus on helping you to support your child's development. By trying many types of treatment across many different people, we want to learn which of these evidence-based supports are best for rare disorder caregivers with a variety of backgrounds, strengths, and needs.
Because this is a research study, families will be assigned to a support program and cannot select which type of support they receive. However, families will be given the option to decline any type of support prior to enrolling in the project and, once they do enroll, may stop participating in the study at any time, without penalty. If the current WellCAST phase is full, some families will also be offered the opportunity to join a waitlist for the next cycle of treatment.
Data collection is an important part of Project WellCAST. We will collect data from participants across a variety of methods, including interviews, questionnaires, and smartphone-based "snapshot surveys" that measure participants' experiences as they go about their daily lives.
Participating in Project WellCAST is free, and we provide all of the technology and tools you will need to participate. Participants receive up to $100 for sharing data with us throughout the study. In total, Project WellCAST activities span approximately 6.5 months, including 2 weeks of baseline data collection, 12 weeks of a support program, and 2 weeks of follow-up data collection. There is some “down time” between phases during which no data collection occurs.
Project WellCAST is open to caregivers from a variety of backgrounds, races, ethnicities, and identities. Within Project WellCAST, Black caregivers are eligible for additional culturally-informed treatments focused on experiences of racism and discrimination. These support groups are available regardless of the other types of supports caregivers are assigned to receive.
Who is eligible?
Eligibility varies across support options. However, general eligibility criteria include:
- Caregiver (age 18+) of a child ages 2-35
- Child must have a documented neurogenetic condition typically associated with intellectual disability and/or developmental delays; condition may not be neurodegenerative in nature
- Caregiver must reside in the US and be fluent in English
- Additional eligibility criteria may apply.
How do I learn more?
If you would like to learn more or determine if you are eligible to participate, please email us at wellcast@purdue.edu.
For more information, you can visit: https://kelleherlab.weebly.com/project-wellcast.html
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ASD Screening Tools in Down Syndrome
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We are looking for caregivers of children with Down syndrome ages 6-18 to participate in an online research study about how to customize autism screening tools for children with Down syndrome. Your child does not need to have autism. Participation involves completing initial questionnaires about your child’s development (2-3 hours) and a few follow-up questions two weeks later (30 minutes). You can complete these at your own pace across multiple sessions. A family resource sheet and compensation are provided.
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Perspectives on and Experiences with Aging and Alzheimer's for Adults with Down Syndrome
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Learn More: This study aims to center the voices and experiences of adults with Down syndrome and their family members/caregivers to improve health and healthcare for this population. Participants must be an adult (18+) with Down syndrome or be a family member/caregiver of an adult with Down syndrome (18+). Participants will join a 90-minute focus group via Zoom, with up to 5 other individuals and take a short demographic survey. Participants will receive a $30 gift card for completing the study.
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Caregivers’ perspectives on AAC acceptance, abandonment, and rejection
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Learn More: This online questionnaire and interview will explore caregivers’ perspectives on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). AAC describes multiple ways to communicate that can supplement or compensate (either temporarily or permanently) for the impairment and disability patterns of individuals with severe expressive communication disorders. This study will target caregivers of children with complex communication needs who have either accepted, rejected, or abandoned their individual’s use of AAC. Caregivers must be 18 years or older to participate. However, the individual who was suggested to use AAC and they are responsible for can be of any age. Participants who consent to participate in this study will complete an online questionnaire to understand their views and experiences related to their individual's use of AAC. Zoom interviews will be conducted with caregivers who want to have more in-depth conversations regarding their individual's AAC use.
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A Foundational Study of Adaptive Behaviors in Individuals with Down Syndrome
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Learn More: The focus of this study is to better understand the adaptive functioning skills of individuals with Down syndrome, or the practical, conceptual, and social skills used in everyday functioning. Participants must be 19+ years and the primary caregiver of a child/individual with Down syndrome between the ages of birth to 22 years. Individuals interested in participating will first be asked to complete an online screener. Those who meet the inclusion criteria will be contacted by the researchers, who will review the study purpose and ask participants how they would like to complete the study questionnaires. To maximize recruitment potential, all data collection will be completed remotely. Caregivers will be able to choose among three options: (1) online using a computer, tablet, or smartphone, (2) by telephone or Zoom with an investigator, or (3) via paper copies sent via U.S. Mail. Participants will receive a $30 gift card for completing the study.
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Birth-4 year olds
Infant Brain Imaging Study for Down Syndrome
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- This study’s goal is to increase our understanding of how the brain is affected in infants with and without Down syndrome. This may in turn provide clues that could eventually help identify therapeutic targets for intervention for individuals with Down syndrome.
- Who is eligible? Families with an infant (6 months or younger) diagnosed with Down syndrome. Expectant parents are encouraged to contact us.
About your visit: Your infant and a parent will:
Travel to your region’s site when your infant is 6, 12, and 24 months old. Each visit includes developmental assessments and an MRI scan during natural sleep (no sedation).
Receive reimbursement for study-related expenses and up to $300 compensation per visit.
Website: www.dsstudies.com.
For more information please contact: ibis@wustl.edu
BRIDGE Study (BRain Indicators of Developmental Growth)
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Researchers in the Down Syndrome Program & the Labs of Cognitive Neuroscience at Boston Children’s Hospital are recruiting young children between 2 and 5 years old, with Down Syndrome (DS) to participate in a study investigating how differences in brain activity affect learning, language, and behavior in DS. This is for Children aged 24-66 months with Down syndrome.
What will you do?
2 visits, each one year apart, at the Labs of Cognitive Neuroscience at Boston Children’s Hospital.
Each visit includes clinical and behavioral assessments that will evaluate your child’s thinking, motor skills, language skills, and social communication. In addition, we will measure your child’s brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG).
EEG is a safe and radiation-free way to measure brain activity in response to different sounds and pictures.
What will you receive?
Families will receive a small toy and $50 per visit for participating. We will provide free parking and child care for siblings.
Families will receive a written report about their child’s development. Families can learn more about the lab by visiting wherekidshelpkids.org.
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Development of Supported Stepping in Infants with Down Syndrome
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PURPOSE: To learn about the development of walking with mobility devices in infants and toddlers with Down Syndrome
WHAT IS INVOLVED: Tests of your child's motor skills and observation of your child taking steps on a treadmill and with a mobility device
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: Children with Down Syndrome (10-22 months of age) who cannot walk independently
COMPENSATION: Families will receive $25 per 60-90 minute lab visit (up to 5 visits).
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CAPEabilities: Communication and Play Early
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Children age 17-24 months with Down syndrome are invited to participate. We are studying how play and communication skills develop and connect to health and other conditions. Participation involves 1 to 2 research visits per year. Visits can be scheduled at locations and times that are convenient to families.
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Effects of Caregiver Interactions on Infants with Down Syndrome Speech Sounds
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This study seeks to understand the types of caregiver interactions that can increase the speech sounds of infants with Down syndrome. Participants must be an active caregiver (e.g., parent, grandparent, etc.) and care for an infant with Down syndrome between 6 and 18 months of age. The infant must have a passed hearing test and no other comorbid diagnoses (e.g., autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, etc.). Participants will receive two coaching sessions with the primary investigator utilizing behavioral skills training (BST) to review the interactions they will use throughout the study and role-play them until they demonstrate mastery. The study is broken into three different phases that are as follows: 1) Each time their baby makes speech sounds, the parent will utilize one of the four interactions reviewed (i.e., Contingent Vocal Imitation (CVI), CVI with touch, Parentese, and Parentese with touch); 2) The most successful interaction will be utilized in isolation with a prompt to create greater opportunities of vocalizations; and 3) we will test if vocal imitation of a previous speech sounds can be imitated by the infant. These interactions are done within 2-minute sessions, so caregivers can choose what time of day works best for their family. Participants can complete all parts of the study virtually and will receive a $70 gift card for completing the study.
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5-18 year olds
Weight-Related Behaviors and Down Syndrome
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We are enrolling children who are between 5-18 years of age and are diagnosed with Down syndrome for a national study that will examine energy expenditure and weight-related behaviors (nutrition, sleep ,and activity).
For more information please contact: Dr. Michele Polfuss at mpolfuss@uwm.edu or (920) 470-2150
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Down Syndrome Umbrella Study
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This study was created to capture individuals with Down syndrome who either don’t qualify or aren’t interested in our our studies. This is an a la carte study where you can pick and choose what you’d like to do. Do as little or as much as you’d like!
- Participants with Down syndrome ages 18 and older
- Must have Study Partner
- Questionnaires
- Minimal Cognitive Testing
- Blood Work
- Stool Sample
Contact Brittany Nelson @ 314-747-8425 for more information.
Website: https://anceslab.wustl.edu/for-participants/active-studies/
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Chronic Health Conditions in Down Syndrome-Associated Acute Leukemia
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The DS PALS Survivors study is looking to better understand long-term outcomes of leukemia in individuals with Down syndrome. Participants will be asked to fill out questionnaires and attend an in-person clinical assessment.
Contact Info: Call toll free at 1-855-474-4520 or email at DownSyndromeStudy@bcm.edu
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Play to Move
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The purpose of this study is to determine if children and adolescents age 5-18 with Down syndrome will be more motivated to participate in physical activity with an augmented-reality exercise gaming app compared to a paper handout with suggested exercises. The entire study will last 3 months. AU research will be conducted virtually via Zoom.
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Assent Study in Down syndrome (LEAD-DS)
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The study’s goal is to improve the way we engage individuals with Down syndrome in conversations about healthcare and empower them in medical decision-making. We are inviting teens and young adults with Down syndrome and their caregivers to participate in this study that seeks to improve the way we explain research studies to individuals with Down syndrome.
Teens and young adults with Down syndrome between 14-30 years old are invited, and must be English or Spanish speakers to participate. Participants will be asked to provide feedback on our study materials. You will also be asked to complete questionnaires and two 1-hour audio-recorded interviews. Both parent and teen/young adult input is valuable to our research. Participation will be compensated.
The study can be completed in person or remotely.
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Exploring Parent and Caregiver Perspectives on Friendship and Psychological Well-Being among Third to Sixth Graders with Down Syndrome
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The research survey will take 40 minutes to complete. They are looking for parents/caregivers of Canadian 3rd to 6th graders with Down syndrome to share
their views on their child’s friendships and mental well-being. If your child is entering Grade 3 this fall you can participate!
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Evaluation and Measurement of healthcare transition Preparedness, Opportunities, and Wellness in Racially/Ethnically Diverse Youth with IDD (EMPOWER) Study
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This study aims to improve healthcare transition for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities including Down syndrome from racial/ethnic minority communities. We are looking for youth aged 12-26 with an intellectual or development disability from racial/ethnic minority communities to participate with their caregiver or primary support person. Youth with IDD will participate in two 1-hour virtual interview sessions, and caregivers will participate in a 1-hour virtual interview session. All interviews will be conducted virtually, so travel is not required. Each participant will receive a gift card for completing each interview.
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Randomized Controlled Trial of Quillivant in IDD with ADHD
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The study hopes to expand resources available to individuals with Down syndrome by evaluating the feasibility and reliability of the NIHTB-CB in populations with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Researchers aim to learn whether innovative tests that measure focus and thinking are sensitive to the FDA approved ADHD medication Quillivant XR in individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Participants must be between 6-24 years of age, have an intellectual or developmental disability, and have ADHD or symptoms of ADHD. Participants will receive $25 for completing the screening, $50 for each completed in-person visit, and $100 gift card for iBehavior observations. In-person visits will take place at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, IL.
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BRIDGE Study (BRain Indicators of Developmental Growth)
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Researchers in the Down Syndrome Program & the Labs of Cognitive Neuroscience at Boston Children’s Hospital are recruiting young children between 2 and 5 years old, with Down Syndrome (DS) to participate in a study investigating how differences in brain activity affect learning, language, and behavior in DS. This is for Children aged 24-66 months with Down syndrome.
What will you do?
2 visits, each one year apart, at the Labs of Cognitive Neuroscience at Boston Children’s Hospital.
Each visit includes clinical and behavioral assessments that will evaluate your child’s thinking, motor skills, language skills, and social communication. In addition, we will measure your child’s brain activity using electroencephalography (EEG).
EEG is a safe and radiation-free way to measure brain activity in response to different sounds and pictures.
What will you receive?
Families will receive a small toy and $50 per visit for participating. We will provide free parking and child care for siblings.
Families will receive a written report about their child’s development. Families can learn more about the lab by visiting wherekidshelpkids.org.
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ASD Screening Tools in Down Syndrome
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We are looking for caregivers of children with Down syndrome ages 6-18 to participate in an online research study about how to customize autism screening tools for children with Down syndrome. Your child does not need to have autism. Participation involves completing initial questionnaires about your child’s development (2-3 hours) and a few follow-up questions two weeks later (30 minutes). You can complete these at your own pace across multiple sessions. A family resource sheet and compensation are provided.
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The Relationship Between Language and Executive Function in Developmental Language Disorder and Fragile X Syndrome Over Time
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Researchers at the Sounds2Syntax Lab at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in partnership with The University of Wisconsin Madison are conducting a study funded by the National Institutes of Health that aims to investigate how executive functions are related to language skills in children with language impairment. S2S Lab is recruiting children with Down syndrome that are 9-17 years of age who speak in at least 2–3-word phrases.
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19-29 year olds
Down Syndrome Umbrella Study
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This study was created to capture individuals with Down syndrome who either don’t qualify or aren’t interested in our our studies. This is an a la carte study where you can pick and choose what you’d like to do. Do as little or as much as you’d like!
- Participants with Down syndrome ages 18 and older
- Must have Study Partner
- Questionnaires
- Minimal Cognitive Testing
- Blood Work
- Stool Sample
Contact Brittany Nelson @ 314-747-8425 for more information.
Website: https://anceslab.wustl.edu/for-participants/active-studies/
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The Longitudinal Investigation for the Enhancement of Down Syndrome Research (LIFE-DSR)
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Solving some of the biggest medical challenges of the Down syndrome community is a huge task. LuMind needs people with Down syndrome ages 25 years and older and their caregivers to help do it! The LIFE-DSR study aims to collect the medical, physical, and behavioral data of 270 adults with DS to address major community concerns including the high rate of Alzheimer’s disease.
This study does not involve a trial of new medications or therapies. The goal of LIFE-DSR is to understand Down syndrome better by gathering data to answer questions such as, “Why do so many people with Down syndrome develop Alzheimer’s disease and how can we prevent it from happening?”
Interested in learning more? Get more details and download an informational flyer at https://dsctn.org/life-dsr/.
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Assent Study in Down syndrome (LEAD-DS)
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The study’s goal is to improve the way we engage individuals with Down syndrome in conversations about healthcare and empower them in medical decision-making. We are inviting teens and young adults with Down syndrome and their caregivers to participate in this study that seeks to improve the way we explain research studies to individuals with Down syndrome.
Teens and young adults with Down syndrome between 14-30 years old are invited, and must be English or Spanish speakers to participate. Participants will be asked to provide feedback on our study materials. You will also be asked to complete questionnaires and two 1-hour audio-recorded interviews. Both parent and teen/young adult input is valuable to our research. Participation will be compensated.
The study can be completed in person or remotely.
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Evaluation and Measurement of healthcare transition Preparedness, Opportunities, and Wellness in Racially/Ethnically Diverse Youth with IDD (EMPOWER) Study
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This study aims to improve healthcare transition for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities including Down syndrome from racial/ethnic minority communities. We are looking for youth aged 12-26 with an intellectual or development disability from racial/ethnic minority communities to participate with their caregiver or primary support person. Youth with IDD will participate in two 1-hour virtual interview sessions, and caregivers will participate in a 1-hour virtual interview session. All interviews will be conducted virtually, so travel is not required. Each participant will receive a gift card for completing each interview.
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Autonomy in Healthcare Decision-Making for Adults with Down Syndrome
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Are you an adult (18+ years old) with Down syndrome/Trisomy 21?Or, do you know an adult with Down syndrome? We are looking for people to take an online survey to answer questions about their experiences with healthcare, and how much responsibility or autonomy they have in these settings. All study activities can be completed on your own schedule and in a comfortable environment. Take the eligibility survey here: https://redcap.link/3ic4e6vl
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Advancing Clothing Accessibility for Individuals with Down Syndrome: Optimizing Wearability and Shopping Experiences
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This study addresses the significant challenges faced by individuals with Down syndrome in accessing suitable clothing and participating fully in shopping experiences, which significantly impedes their engagement in professional and social activities. Adults with Down syndrome age 18+ and their caregivers will participate in a 30-minute Zoom interview. After completing the interview, participants will receive a $50 gift card.
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A Retrospective Exploration of Healthcare Communication with Adult Siblings of Individuals with Down Syndrome Over Time
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This study looks at understanding adult sibling perspectives which can provide valuable insights into the dynamics of sibling-provider communication, the impact of the information received, and the challenges siblings may face in gaining access to this communication. Participants must be between the ages of 18-89+ years, reside in the United States, have at least one sibling with a diagnosis of Down syndrome, be able to read and understand English, and have access to an electronic device (computer, phone, tablet) with internet. The survey will take around 15 minutes and can be completed here.
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Perspectives on and Experiences with Aging and Alzheimer's for Adults with Down Syndrome
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Learn More: This study aims to center the voices and experiences of adults with Down syndrome and their family members/caregivers to improve health and healthcare for this population. Participants must be an adult (18+) with Down syndrome or be a family member/caregiver of an adult with Down syndrome (18+). Participants will join a 90-minute focus group via Zoom, with up to 5 other individuals and take a short demographic survey. Participants will receive a $30 gift card for completing the study.
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Randomized Controlled Trial of Quillivant in IDD with ADHD
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The study hopes to expand resources available to individuals with Down syndrome by evaluating the feasibility and reliability of the NIHTB-CB in populations with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Researchers aim to learn whether innovative tests that measure focus and thinking are sensitive to the FDA approved ADHD medication Quillivant XR in individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Participants must be between 6-24 years of age, have an intellectual or developmental disability, and have ADHD or symptoms of ADHD. Participants will receive $25 for completing the screening, $50 for each completed in-person visit, and $100 gift card for iBehavior observations. In-person visits will take place at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, IL.
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Trial-Ready Cohort-Down Syndrome
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The Trial-Ready Cohort-Down Syndrome, or TRC-DS, matches people with Down syndrome to clinical trials related to Alzheimer’s disease. TRC-DS routinely monitors study participants for any changes to their brain health or function over time through blood tests and brain imaging to eventually match them with applicable Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials. Because participants are routinely evaluated, researchers can fast-track them for enrollment into qualifying clinical studies as soon as they are eligible and matched with one.
Healthy adults between the ages of 25 and 55 with Down syndrome are eligible to participate. Participants will visit their nearest research center once every 16 months for physical exams (like blood pressure checks and blood draws), memory skills tests, and brain scans to measure changes in their brain health and function.
Visit https://www.trcds.org/ and find the research center nearest you.
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Chronic Health Conditions in Down Syndrome-Associated Acute Leukemia
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The DS PALS Survivors study is looking to better understand long-term outcomes of leukemia in individuals with Down syndrome. Participants will be asked to fill out questionnaires and attend an in-person clinical assessment.
Contact Info: Call toll free at 1-855-474-4520 or email at DownSyndromeStudy@bcm.edu
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Socialization to Enhance Participation and Support Sexuality (STEPS2)
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People aged 16-27 with intellectual or developmental disabilities who join the STEPS2 study will either receive Steps To Your Health (STYH) classes which teach about exercise and nutrition or Socialization To Enhance Participation and Support Sexuality (STEPS2) classes which teach about decision-making, sexual health and healthy relationships. All participants must be okay with doing either program since the toss of a coin will decide which class a participant will get. All classes take place once per week for 6 weeks for up to an hour on the computer (over Zoom or another video conferencing platform).
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30+ year olds
Down Syndrome Umbrella Study
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This study was created to capture individuals with Down syndrome who either don’t qualify or aren’t interested in our our studies. This is an a la carte study where you can pick and choose what you’d like to do. Do as little or as much as you’d like!
- Participants with Down syndrome ages 18 and older
- Must have Study Partner
- Questionnaires
- Minimal Cognitive Testing
- Blood Work
- Stool Sample
Contact Brittany Nelson @ 314-747-8425 for more information.
Website: https://anceslab.wustl.edu/for-participants/active-studies/
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Trial-Ready Cohort-Down Syndrome
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The Trial-Ready Cohort-Down Syndrome, or TRC-DS, matches people with Down syndrome to clinical trials related to Alzheimer’s disease. TRC-DS routinely monitors study participants for any changes to their brain health or function over time through blood tests and brain imaging to eventually match them with applicable Alzheimer’s disease clinical trials. Because participants are routinely evaluated, researchers can fast-track them for enrollment into qualifying clinical studies as soon as they are eligible and matched with one.
Healthy adults between the ages of 25 and 55 with Down syndrome are eligible to participate. Participants will visit their nearest research center once every 16 months for physical exams (like blood pressure checks and blood draws), memory skills tests, and brain scans to measure changes in their brain health and function.
Visit https://www.trcds.org/ and find the research center nearest you.
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Chronic Health Conditions in Down Syndrome-Associated Acute Leukemia
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The DS PALS Survivors study is looking to better understand long-term outcomes of leukemia in individuals with Down syndrome. Participants will be asked to fill out questionnaires and attend an in-person clinical assessment.
Contact Info: Call toll free at 1-855-474-4520 or email at DownSyndromeStudy@bcm.edu
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Socialization to Enhance Participation and Support Sexuality (STEPS2)
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People aged 16-27 with intellectual or developmental disabilities who join the STEPS2 study will either receive Steps To Your Health (STYH) classes which teach about exercise and nutrition or Socialization To Enhance Participation and Support Sexuality (STEPS2) classes which teach about decision-making, sexual health and healthy relationships. All participants must be okay with doing either program since the toss of a coin will decide which class a participant will get. All classes take place once per week for 6 weeks for up to an hour on the computer (over Zoom or another video conferencing platform).
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Autonomy in Healthcare Decision-Making for Adults with Down Syndrome
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Are you an adult (18+ years old) with Down syndrome/Trisomy 21?Or, do you know an adult with Down syndrome? We are looking for people to take an online survey to answer questions about their experiences with healthcare, and how much responsibility or autonomy they have in these settings. All study activities can be completed on your own schedule and in a comfortable environment. Take the eligibility survey here: https://redcap.link/3ic4e6vl
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Advancing Clothing Accessibility for Individuals with Down Syndrome: Optimizing Wearability and Shopping Experiences
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This study addresses the significant challenges faced by individuals with Down syndrome in accessing suitable clothing and participating fully in shopping experiences, which significantly impedes their engagement in professional and social activities. Adults with Down syndrome age 18+ and their caregivers will participate in a 30-minute Zoom interview. After completing the interview, participants will receive a $50 gift card.
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A Retrospective Exploration of Healthcare Communication with Adult Siblings of Individuals with Down Syndrome Over Time
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This study looks at understanding adult sibling perspectives which can provide valuable insights into the dynamics of sibling-provider communication, the impact of the information received, and the challenges siblings may face in gaining access to this communication. Participants must be between the ages of 18-89+ years, reside in the United States, have at least one sibling with a diagnosis of Down syndrome, be able to read and understand English, and have access to an electronic device (computer, phone, tablet) with internet. The survey will take around 15 minutes and can be completed here.
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Perspectives on and Experiences with Aging and Alzheimer's for Adults with Down Syndrome
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Learn More: This study aims to center the voices and experiences of adults with Down syndrome and their family members/caregivers to improve health and healthcare for this population. Participants must be an adult (18+) with Down syndrome or be a family member/caregiver of an adult with Down syndrome (18+). Participants will join a 90-minute focus group via Zoom, with up to 5 other individuals and take a short demographic survey. Participants will receive a $30 gift card for completing the study.
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The ABATE Study
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About 80 people with Down syndrome will take part in the ABATE Study. The study is testing an investigational vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease in people with Down syndrome. Contact: https://www.abate-study.com/ to find the study location nearest you.
We want to see:
- If the vaccine is safe
- How the vaccine works inside the body
- If it helps get rid of amyloid buildups
- If it slows down memory loss and thinking problems
You may be able to join this study if you:
- Have Down syndrome
- Are between 35 and 50 years old
- Have a study partner